When I buy a reading from you, what do I get and how do I get it?

You get a video that is very similar to what you see on my YouTube channel, except it’s all about your energy! I point the camera at my desk, draw the cards, and channel the messages. The length of the video depends on what you purchased; I currently offer 5, 15, 30, and 60 minute videos. 

I send you the video within three business days of your purchase. I aim to make it as easy as possible for you to simply watch your reading, so I give you a few options. First, I send an email to the address you used at checkout. In this email, you get a link to an unlisted YouTube video, so you can watch your reading right away. (Unlisted means that your reading isn’t public; only people with the link can view it.) You also get a link to a Google Drive file; this is for people who want to download a copy of the video so that they can store it themselves. 

The YouTube link should work indefinitely (unless and until something happens with YouTube), while the Google Drive link expires in one week. If you’d like to download the video, please do so within that time, or let me know that you need more time! The expiration date is necessary because video files are huge, and I simply don’t have space to store everyone’s files for very long. 

Aside from email delivery, you can also access your links from the Orders status page on my website. When your video is ready to “ship,” I will update your Order Status with a PDF containing the links to your reading. 

I ordered a reading from you three days ago and haven’t heard from you yet. 

Check your spam/junk folders…and if you still can’t find it, send me an email! (evermindoracle@gmail.com). Remember that you can also access your video from the links in the PDF file on your Orders status page. 

I don’t know which reading to get! 

I hear this one a lot, so let me just say that it doesn’t really matter which type of reading you order! They all add up to me drawing cards and channeling; you’ll receive whatever is meant for you. The different types of readings are my way of coming to the table with a slightly different angle of focus. Go with whatever seems to be drawing you in! If you really can’t decide, but you know you want a one-hour reading, I usually recommend the Soul Frequency Mirror reading. This uses my favourite spread, and it’s my favourite because it covers a little bit of everything, while also giving me opportunities to receive deeper energy on whatever area is most relevant for you. I’m always surprised about what comes through…it cannot be predicted! 

Can I ask questions for you to answer in the reading?

Please read this one carefully <3 

The short answer is no, I do not use readings to get answers to your questions. Please allow me to explain! 

You are more than welcome to share your story with me and tell me what you are interested in! Lots of people send me messages describing how they are doing emotionally and spiritually. I love to hear from everyone, and I always put whatever you share into the back of my mind and I try to incorporate it into the reading whenever possible. It often happens that I bring through messages that are relevant for your situation even if they don’t exactly answer your question. Usually this happens by raising your consciousness and showing you that you can transcend or shift your question/problem by taking a higher perspective. 

But why can’t I just ask your question and draw some cards to get an answer? Well, I could do that, and as a new tarot reader, I did do that. It worked okay. I got answers and people seemed satisfied with them, but I became dissatisfied with that approach for a few reasons. 

First, I don’t have any right to tell you what to do, or to tell you what is true in your reality. I see you as a Creator Being who exists in an infinite multiverse. I want to inspire everyone to create their own reality as they see fit. I am very serious about this; for me, assisting you to harness your creative power transcends all of the small questions your mind might have about human life. 

Second, trying to answer your questions pulls me out of the channeling state and drastically lowers the quality of my readings. I could sit there, draw cards, talk from my ego, and call it a tarot reading, and that would be fine, but I understand my work to be much more than that. I see my readings as energy work in disguise. The video itself, the cards, and anything I’m saying…it’s all there to entertain your human mind. The real work is being done behind the scenes. Our energies align, I feel and process your emotions, and together we work to tune your vibration. Because of this, I have to honour the flow of the reading. I let go of my mind and do “conscious channeling” to receive whatever is meant to come through for you. In this kind of channeling state, my mind and memory don’t work very well. I forget basic things, like what day of the week it is, and I would really struggle to remember your question. If I wrote your question down and made a point of reading it, then I would pull myself out of the channeling state, put myself back into my ego, and then the whole experience would be derailed. 

So, even though I don’t take questions, please always feel free to share what’s going on with you! That itself has a way of directing the reading; it sets an intention for the kind of guidance we hope to receive. In my experience, this allows for a much higher quality reading.

You say your readings are “energy work in disguise.” What does that mean? 

Each and every reading I do is a profound spiritual experience for me. Every time I receive an order for a reading, there is some kind of synchronicity. These readings are not random; we are synchronized by our Higher Selves, in perfect timing, to do this work together. I sense your energy quite intimately. All kinds of weird and wonderful things happen before I even sit down to do your reading! Maybe I have a dream about you, maybe we have an astral adventure together, maybe I recover a past life memory of us together. Sometimes I meet your Star Family, one of your guides, or one of your parallel selves. 

While we are synchronized, your energy is running through my body. I feel echoes of your thoughts and feelings (sometimes very strong ones!). Sometimes I even feel your physical pains (if you have a headache, I might get a headache). I take all of this on for two main reasons: the first is so that I can read your energy. This is how I do readings; I put myself into the vortex of energy that is you, I sense what’s going on in that vortex, and then I use the cards to show me what to focus on while I channel the messages. 

The second reason is so that I can help you shift your vibration! I do this by living it out. If, for example, my client is feeling hopeless, then I will also have a moment that day where I feel hopeless. As I go through the whole process of finding my way back to optimism, I carve an energetic pathway for the client to follow. They still have to walk the path, but it will be easier because someone is walking the path ahead of them, opening it up, and showing a way forwards. If my client is ready for a massive spiritual activation and upgrade, I channel that activating energy, run it through my system, and distill it down before transmitting it. To be clear, you never need me or anyone else to do this for you! This is only a shortcut, a convenience, or a helping hand. It is like doing an “energy shot” instead of drinking a whole bottle of energy. I like to say that I am like an energetic distillery; I receive broad wavelengths of chaotic energy, sort it out and boil it down, and concentrate it into an easier-to-digest blast. This means that, when you get a reading from me, you’ll be able to integrate all of this crazy spiritual energy in a smoother, easier, more efficient manner. 

I’m having trouble downloading the video from Google Drive.

First, make sure you have enough room on your device. The hour-long videos can be around 15GB, which means you might not have room for this on your phone. Depending on your internet connection, this could also take several hours to download. So, I highly recommend downloading the file onto a computer. If using a computer with a hardwired internet connection and enough free space doesn’t work, or if you need some other kind of solution, send me an email and we’ll figure something out! (evermindoracle@gmail.com)  

I am a Starseed and I want to know what star system I am from. Can you tell me?

The short answer is Yes! I can tell where your soul has been by sensing the different vibrations in your vortex. If you pop up with a huge Arcturian vibe, for example, then I know you are deeply connected to the Arcturian system. 

The long answer is that there’s so much more to Starseed Life than knowing where you are from. It is normal for newly awakened Starseeds to obsess over their planet of origin (I did the same thing!). But as you explore this further, you will find out that you have likely lived in many different star systems, many galaxies, many dimensions, many states of consciousness…all at the same time! (Remember, my basic belief is that we are in an infinite multiverse!) This is especially true for souls who really resonate with me. If you watch my videos and feel that deep soul connection with me, you are not crazy! Yes, we have known each other in many (oh so many) different lives and contexts. Since I am an Old Soul Starseed who has been all over the cosmic map, that means most of the people drawn to me for a reading have a similarly complex soul history. (There are, of course, exceptions! When I say “most,” I mean about 90% of the souls I do private readings for.)

I find that my Starseed energy fluctuates much over time. I’ll binge Hadarian energy for a while, and then go on an Arcturian kick, and then the Sirians will take over for a month…Oh and don’t forget that one week when everything was Cassiopean! And then, for a while, I’ll completely forget about the Starseed stuff and be tuned into Earth-based spirituality…or my consciousness will go beyond this universe entirely! Since I’m always flowing with different energies, that’s how I approach your Starseed/Interdimensional readings. I aim to describe what energies are coming through for you in this moment. You could stay in that vibe for years, or you could be onto something different next week. 

I have a problem with my order.

Email me! evermindoracle@gmail.com