Accelerated Evolution Container | Monthly Subscription

Accelerate the evolution of your consciousness with me and the cycle of the moon! One catalytic video (and background energy work) for every new moon and full moon. The content is the same for everyone; there are four pricing options to suit your budget.

I am stoked to offer this Accelerated Evolution Container! This is a monthly subscription service that will take you through consistent and supported transformations. This is for anyone who wants to accelerate the evolution of their consciousness. 

My clients and viewers often ask me, "How did you get to where you are at?" I get a lot of observations about how I evolve quickly and that my consciousness is well-refined for my age. The short answer is that I use the moon. I go ALL IN with every single New Moon and Full Moon. 

Every New Moon is a profound new beginning. Every Full Moon is a radical climax. Sometimes this can seem insane, since we are bombarded with these transformative moments every two weeks. This intense speed is why most people don't fully utilize the catalytic potential of the lunar cycle -- it seems like too much, too fast, like it can't possibly be real, or can't possibly be utilized and integrated. 

That's why I am stepping up to facilitate this process for the group of individuals who join this container.  You will get one video for every New Moon and one video for every Full Moon. These videos will vary in content (I might chat, channel, talk astrology, or do a tarot reading). The real value here, the real purpose, the real work, happens behind-the-scenes, on an energetic level. Just like with a tarot reading, your energy will blend with mine. We will do the energetic processing and transformative work together.  

As your fascilitator, I am holding space for this experience. Your energetic system and personal filter is able to copy from me what is useful for your accelerated evolution (and reject what is not). You will also get a significant boost from hanging out with my naturally accelerating energy (which comes from my soul's history and my birth chart).  

Different Price Options. One Unified Service:

The catalytic energy work behind this container is valued at $333 a month (this is what I would have to charge for a one-on-one service of this type.) I am offering several pricing options because I believe somone's budget shouldn't be a barrier to the evolution of their consciousness. The Silver Option begins at $8 a month!  If you have a flexible budget and would like to help me keep this offering affordable for everyone, please consider joining the Gold, Amethyst, or Rainbow Options. What you get is exactly the same for all options. 

Technical Details:

All active subscriptions will be billed monthly and you may cancel at any time. You will receive two videos a month (unlisted YouTube videos), and they will be delivered by email shortly after each New Moon and Full Moon. Please allow a few days after each lunation for delivery. I need to create every transmission after I have experienced and understood the transformation of that particular moon, so it is impossible to rush these or send them out before the lunation.