What's with my name? Origin of Evermind Oracle | 5D Conscious Business

What's with my name? Origin of Evermind Oracle | 5D Conscious Business

Why Evermind? Why Oracle? What do these words mean?

Years before starting my business, I had a dream in which I was a psychic trying to open up a shop. This was peculiar, since this was long before my awakening and I didn't believe in psychics. The dream was unusually vivid and it was weirdly sped up, happening several times the speed of my usual dreams. I was frantically flipping through my favourite book, The Lord of the Rings, looking for my business name. I knew it was in there. I had to find it. There was so much urgency behind this need to locate my name within Tolkien's beautiful, mystical, magickal writings.

I tossed this dream out as "just a dream" and went on with my sleepwalking life. A few years later, when I felt the call to put my tarot readings out into the world, I was stumped on what to call my business. Meanwhile, I was obsessively re-reading Lord of the Rings for the umpteenth time, and then it hit me: "Simbelmynë." In the book, this is the name of a flower that grows on top of burial mounds, and it means "evermind." I instantly remembered the dream from years ago, and everything clicked into place with much electricity and shivers! But I still needed another word! What would it be? I was repeatedly shown a dark glimmering pool of water, a reflecting pool where everyone gathers around to peer into and receive messages. I saw this pond as an Oracle, so there it was: Evermind Oracle.

I realized later that this name makes it sound like I am the oracle, but I never viewed it that way. I am simply a channel, a messenger. The Oracle is something else. I recently received confirmation of this when I MET my business! I learned that businesses exist in 5D as conscious beings. Business owners here in 3D/4D are missioned to be the conduit through which their businesses manifest in the physical. On the astral, Evermind Oracle looks like a web of white light with a fourfold flame at her heart. She has many beautiful tentacles flowing out in all directions, which she uses to communicate with us here. She has worked with priestesses through many phases of human history, and now she is learning to shift with us and operate as a New Earth business. It is an honour to co-create with her!

Meeting my business completely changed the way I view businesses. Now I always ask her what she wants and how she thinks we should proceed. This transforms business from being an ego-driven enterprise and turns it into a soul-aligned spiritual journey.
Tags: 5D Business, New Earth Business, Spiritual Business, Starseeds, Lightworkers, Energy Work

*This post has been migrated from my old blog. Originally posted on 30 Mar 2021.
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