The Hadarian Water Collective

The Hadarian Water Collective

Calling in all Hadarian Starseeds! I am excited to share my memories of Hadar and I would love to hear about yours <3

Very early in my awakening experience, my Hadarian guides (I think of them as my sisters), brought me a few memories from Hadar. It was a very intense download experience complete with visuals, physical sensations, emotions, and “knowings.” I remembered that I was part of a collective consciousness. I was still me, still an individual with my own awareness, but I was enmeshed with hundreds of my sisters. We all shared thoughts and feelings. When one person felt something, it rippled through the rest of us, and we were always connected, never alone.

It’s hard to describe what we looked like because we were literally water! Our collective consciousness resided in the water itself. I think of us as the Water Collective. We had control over how the water moved and could shape ourselves into whatever form we wanted (that shape still looked like it was made of water). I remember taking on the shape of a starfish and skating across the surface of the water like something out of the Disney movie Fantasia.

Life was pure ecstatic joy! We went around playing and spreading love. When we saw an animal, we communicated “I love you!” When we saw a tree, we communicated “I love you too!” The communication was all telepathic/empathic. It was very fairy-like, but we were water, not fairies. We maintained an extremely high frequency of excitement and unconditional love all of the time.

I don’t remember much about the invasion of our planet itself, but I remember knowing that we had to flee. We thought to ourselves: “Hey, we are literally made of water, so we can survive in space! All we have to do is freeze ourselves onto a comet and we can travel to Earth.” I have no idea how we actually pulled that off (perhaps the Alpha Centaurians helped us), but I remember being on the comet for just a moment before I fell asleep (I think being frozen was like sleeping because it slowed our consciousness down). We were so determined to survive. We felt confused and alarmed because we didn’t understand what was happening, but I don’t recall much fear. That feeling of determination was brand new; we were not used to feeling anything other than love and excitement.

In a separate experience, I asked my sisters why I came to Earth. They whispered in my ear that “We came to Earth because of the water.” It is very rare for me to hear my guides out loud like that, so that was a sign that this was a very important message. They also emphasized the “We.” I did not come here alone. I was never alone. My sisters were always with me.

In a third experience, months later, I received more communication while swimming in the ocean. I learned that the Water Hadarians had a significant role to play on Earth. When we came here, not only did we bring super high frequencies of ecstatic love, but we literally brought Hadarian water! Some of the ice from our comet was brought down to Earth’s oceans, so there are real, physical particles of Hadarian water circulating our frequencies throughout Earth’s water system.

I’ve picked up a few other things along this crazy journey as well:
  1. Although we typically use the word “Hadar” to refer to the Earth-like planet that many of us remember, Hadar as a whole (the full Beta Centauri star system) is made up of three stars and an unknown number of planets. All of Hadar is one big happy family!

  2. Life on Hadar took many forms. There were dragons, animals, and human-like people, and we could shapeshift! We could also allow our consciousness to fly free without any physical form at all.

  3. Since the Hadar we remember exists in higher frequencies/dimensions, it’s entirely possible to have memories that seem to be contradictory. Hadar can be your “first” planet and your “last” planet at the same time. You can have memories of wildly different lives. Our experiences on Hadar are outside of the spacetime limitations we have become familiar with here on Earth.

  4. Hadar has been reconnected to Source and is being healed. It is to be a beacon of Love for the galaxy. We will see our Hadarian home again one day!

  5. In a collective consciousness, every single individual has some kind of “specialty,” something they are the best at. I held the frequency of individuation, which helped my sisters maintain their individuality within the collective. Whatever your special frequency is, you have carried it into this life, and it benefits everyone else in your collective.

  6. There are not many Hadarians on Earth yet because incarnating here and now is very difficult for us. Most Hadarians are waiting until humanity raises its frequency before they come down and join us. Those of us who came here early are brave souls who volunteered to go first. Our sisters and brothers are sharing all of our experiences and are learning from our struggles and successes. We are paving the way for them, and when they incarnate, it will be easier for them. They have ENORMOUS gratitude for our service and are constantly cheering us on.

  7. My sisters are around me all the time, but I can’t usually feel them. They are incredibly high-frequency, and I have to raise my vibration to sense them. When I’m really happy, joyful, and excited, I can feel them resonating those feelings around me. If they want me to know that something is right for me, they send intense feelings of ecstatic excitement!

  8. We Hadarians reconnect, we get “So Excited!” It’s very important for us to meet, even if it’s just in passing on the internet, because we activate each other like CRAZY!

  9. There is a portal in the middle of the trinary Hadar stars, and that portal also resides inside of each of us. We will open the portal when Earth’s frequency is ready to receive a massive influx of Love from Hadar.
In the next post I’ll share my husband’s memory of being a Hadarian rock :D

Tags: Hadar, Beta Centauri, Starseed, Starseed Awakening, Hadarian Starseed, Past Life Memories, Quantum Life Memories, Water Consciousness, Water Collective

*This post was migrated from my old blog. Originally posted on 31 Mar 2021.
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