The Gemini-Sagittarius Axis, Self-Authoring, and Freewill

The Gemini-Sagittarius Axis, Self-Authoring, and Freewill

Random messages from the Sirian
High Council! These came through when the Sun was at Zero Degrees Gemini, so they are very inspired by Gemini Energy (which interests me personally as I have a Gemini Moon in the 8th House).

Sometimes the text on the page is not a word to be translated. Sometimes the text on the page is a symbol to be unpacked and interpreted.
It is like opening a can of soup and pouring out an entire ocean.

Know when to dream and when to act. Know when to focus and when to expand. Know when to hold on and when to let go. Know when to shine and when to shroud. Know when to leap and when to look. Know when to stiffen and when to bend.


It's not just about telling new stories It's also about telling old stories in New ways.

You can rewrite a story with different events. You can add or remove characters. You can trim down or expand on the subthemes. You can change the location or the time period.

Then you can decide if you're still writing a story. Maybe you're painting a picture, or maybe you're designing a game or a virtual experience. Maybe you're writing a symphony or a rock opera.

Maybe, you're making a movie with new actors so that you can express the characters in New ways.

Or maybe, just maybe, you're writing your future self. Your future self is the Self you can embody in this moment, if you hold them in your mind and allow your vibration to match theirs.


Balance is found between Sagittarius and Gemini when Master and Apprentice, Teacher and Student, Higher Realms and Lower Realms, meet as equals. The core wound of Gemini was the moment it learned that it should not have trusted the strangers. Gemini is healed when it is accepted as an equal among peers.


Freewill is guaranteed because the connective centre of everything is a neutral observer state. The Witness. The One/Source/All. To truly observe everything is to understand everything; understanding is impossible from a place of control. The One/Source/All, the central witness to all things, does not force because that is not its function. It simply witnesses, because if it did anything else, it would cease to be the One Central Witness. This is simply the nature and function and consequence of its Being.

This post was migrated from my old blog. Originally posted 27 May 2022.
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