The Energy of the Moment | Channeled Message from the 10D Sirian Council

The Energy of the Moment | Channeled Message from the 10D Sirian Council

Energy of the Moment 

This is a message from the Sirian High Council. This is a message for anyone who invites our advice on finding calmness within chaos. 

We invite you to consider the Energy of the Moment. You are in a swirling vortex of energy at all times; however, this energy is not always the same. The strands are constantly changing, and you sense these changes. They influence how you feel and what you think. 

When a new or unusual strand of energy flows around you, sometimes it has a vibration that you do not prefer. Or perhaps it is simply a vibration that feels weird to you. Now you find yourself having thoughts and feelings that are unsettling, unusual, or confusing. 

This sets your mind in motion. Now your mind is trying to connect the dots. Now it is trying to find causes and effects and it is trying to make explanations. Sometimes this is a very useful service! Sometimes you do connect the dots in a stimulating way and come to a satisfying explanation. Sometimes that helps you in your life. 

However, othertimes, the workings of your mind are not useful to you. Sometimes your mind leads you down paths that are even less preferable to you. Sometimes the mind creates additional layers of confusion that only cloud your vision further. It is like trying to improve your vision by putting a second pair of glasses over your existing glasses. Unless both pairs of lenses are perfectly calibrated to eachother and to your own vision, stacking the lenses will only make it harder to see. 

We have a suggestion that can help you clarify your vision when you find yourselves in layers of fog, surrounded by chaos, or simply weirded out by a strange day. Begin by noticing the energy of the moment. Just make note of it. How is the day vibing, feeling, flowing? Notice how you have been reacting to that energy. How has it influenced your posture, your breath, your muscle tension, your thoughts, and your feelings? 

Once you have taken a good look at the energy of the moment and your reactions to it, take a few deep breaths. And then simply say, This Is Okay. This Is Okay. This Is Okay. 

Or come up with some other statement that allows you to accept your current moment. The intention here is to Zero Out your reactivity to the Energy of the Moment. Remind yourself that it’s just energy flowing around you, a lot like wind and rain. Remind yourself that the energetic weather, just like the elemental weather, will soon shift. 

Once you have reset yourself in this Zero Point State, feel how the tension drains away. The Energy of the Moment might still feel weird, might still feel less than ideal,  but you can be okay with weird and less than ideal. The tension that you were feeling in reaction to the weirdness can simply drain away. 

From your newly Zeroed Out state, you are free to begin your day anew. What would help you feel better in your next moment? 

In another transmission, we will offer our perspective on how you might harness the Energy of the Moment, no matter how weird it is, to make the best of it. When life gives you lemons, you can always make lemonade, and this same principle applies to the energy that you find yourself in at any given moment. 

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