Starseeds vs Earthseeds: What’s the Difference?

Starseeds vs Earthseeds: What’s the Difference?

I’ve been chewing on this question since the moment I woke up. What follows is simply a description of my current state of understanding.

On a simple level, we can say that Starseeds are people who have lived lives on planets other than Earth, and that Earthseeds have only ever lived on Earth. While this is a useful distinction that resonates with most people who realize that they are Starseeds, I no longer feel that it is the whole story. Part of the problem is the sheer variety of souls that we have on Earth. There will always be exceptions to any rules we draw up or any categories we try to put people in. On a deeper level, the plot thickens because of the mysteries of consciousness. If we are all One, what does it even mean to be an individual soul with a personal narrative?

We all come from the same primordial consciousness, the same Source, the same Universal Mind, so on many levels, pondering the differences between Starseeds and Earthseeds is just a distraction for our human minds. It is both a symptom and a cause of what I like to call “Starseed Alienation Syndrome.” But at the same time, I don’t think we need to be afraid of looking at our differences. We certainly don’t need to pretend they don’t exist. In fact, understanding how my Starseed experience differs from someone else’s Earthseed experience ultimately helped me move past my own Starseed Alienation. Now I see how humanity is (or will be) one unified collective, a collective unified in diversity. We are a collective of individuals; strengthening our individualization and celebrating our differences will, paradoxically, fuse us into our higher dimensional unified consciousness.

And that is why I’m going to dive in and share how I perceive the differences between Starseeds and Earthseeds!

The general statement that Starseeds have lived on other planets is a shorthand that I often use myself, but I don’t think that it’s 100% accurate. There’s more to being a Starseed than simply having lived somewhere else. Starseesds are missioned souls. We came here with many different purposes. Those purposes include living our lives and learning our soul lessons, but we would never have come here in the first place if we hadn’t felt the call. The Earthseeds were calling out for help. The Earth Game was on “hard mode” and they were having some trouble evolving their consciousness. They could use the help of some more experienced souls who had completed the ascension process before.

In The Ra Material: Law of One, Ra refers to Starseeds as Wanderers and as the Brothers and Sisters of Sorrow. He describes us as higher dimensional beings who were so moved by the suffering on Earth that we couldn’t resist coming here to help. This resonates strongly with me, but I also know it isn’t the whole story. I have my own memories of how I ended up on Earth. I descended into this physical universe to find my Twin Flame (the other half of my soul) who had came down here to play and gotten trapped instead. Every soul has its own unique journey about how it got down here, but for Starseeds currently on Earth, there is definitely a “we came here to help” theme.

By the way, this includes many people who are currently oscillating at a negative polarity. Some benevolent souls came here knowing that they would have to go darkside in order to be of service in their highest capacity. But that’s a topic for another day!

Anyway, the idea that Starseeds are missioned souls who entered the Earth Game in order to help the Earthseeds ascend is, to me, the most compelling description of who we are. However, this doesn’t mean that Starseeds are limited to a particular time frame of human history. There are many claims about waves of Starseeds and dates for when we have incarnated here, but I feel that those bits of information are specific to only a small percentage of Starseeds. Consciousness has been here since the beginning. The rocks themselves are conscious. The air is conscious. The water is conscious. Any consciousness that is here came from somewhere else. You could have come to Earth at any point in time. Coming down from higher dimensions means that you could have easily inserted yourself into any point in Earth’s history.

As for the Earthseeds, we can generally say that they have only lived on Earth, and that’s a useful shorthand that will resonate with most Earthseeds, but it’s not entirely true either. This gets incredibly complicated because we are talking about the infinitely complex, infinitely variable, infinitely unique possibilities of cosmic consciousness. To give you some idea of what I mean, I’d like to describe a few possible scenarios of what it might mean to be an Earthseed:
  1. A few Earthseeds are living their first lives right now. They are brand new souls that just separated from Source and they have never lived anywhere. This is relatively rare. Source can create a new soul whenever it wants, but we are having a slight influx of new souls on Earth right now. Some of the 21st Century kids we call Rainbow Children are these brand-new souls.

  2. Many Earthseeds were once these brand new souls, but their first lives were thousands (or millions) of years ago. They’ve incarnated many times on Earth and have grown, experienced, and created much.

  3. A few rare Earthseeds originally came to Earth to incarnate as nonhuman animals (or even plants!). They evolved their consciousness up through 2D until they were ready to incarnate as a 3D (human) consciousness. So, yes, it’s entirely possible that someone who is obsessed with one particular animal used to incarnate as that animal.

  4. A fair chunk of Earthseeds have actually lived on other planets but don’t really fit with the Starseed vibe. The most obvious example of these Earthseeds are the Martians. (This gets confusing, because some Starseeds also lived on just depends on the soul’s journey.) The thing with these Martian Earthseeds is that their Martian lives were very Earth-like. They were 3D, they were human-like (but even more warlike than humans), and they destroyed the Martian atmosphere. Once they couldn’t live on Mars anymore, they started incarnating on Earth. They didn’t come down from higher dimensions, they didn’t complete the ascension process on Mars, they didn’t experience being part of a collective consciousness, and they didn’t come here to help. You can see how this is different from the Starseed experience.

  5. And then there are the Infinite Possibilities! The cosmic journey of an Earthseed’s soul before it came to Earth could be literally anything. There are no rules. It is all about how the soul chose to configure itself before it came to Earth (or into this dimension, or galaxy, or universe, or whatever). A consciousness can do whatever it wants. It can calibrate itself however it wants. It can delete or activate whatever codes it wants. In this way, an Earthseed could have been ANYTHING in previous lives. It could have been a star, a galaxy, a black hole, a creator being, an alien hive mind….and then decided to come to Earth, completely wipe out all its past experiences and past codes, and calibrate itself so that it could incarnate here as an Earthseed and have the “ordinary human on Earth” experience.
And there we have it! This is where I am at in my understanding of how this all works. As I see it, it is interesting to gain perspective on our different journeys and experiences. It can be enormously healing to receive explanations about how and why we have always felt different from others. It is exciting and expansive to celebrate our differences. But at the end of the day...we are all one consciousness dreaming that we have shattered into billions of fractals. As those fractals, we are having a shared hallucination that we are trying to survive on a rock flying through space. One day we will wake up and have a good laugh at the whole thing!

*This post was migrated from my old blog. Originally posted 20 Apr 2021.
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