Starseed got a Covid Vaccine and had a Spiritual Experience

Starseed got a Covid Vaccine and had a Spiritual Experience

I’m quite surprised that I decided to get vaccinated, and I’ve been hesitating to admit this to anyone outside of my family. I am familiar with the various views about the vaccines, and I worry that if I admit that I’m vaccinated, then I’ll be seen as some kind of fallen, contaminated, or doomed person. However, I like the idea of lying about it or hiding it even less, so here goes!
[I happened to paste this post into the blog editor at exactly 11:11. I am, of course, taking that as a very reassuring sign that it is right for me to share this!]
I’d just like to make a few things explicitly clear: 1) I give zero shits about whether you get vaccinated or not. Like, seriously. I really, really, REALLY don’t care what you do. 2) I am making no claims about whether the vaccines are safe or good or bad or anything whatsoever. I don't know anything about them, and I certainly don't know what kind of vaccines are in your reality. 3) This story isn’t even really about getting vaccinated. The vaccine is just the “MacGuffin.” This story is actually about learning to follow my inner guidance (especially when it doesn’t make sense) and recognizing that all of my human actions have energetic, karmic, and quantum connections that are beyond my full understanding.

I was (and still would be) perfectly happy to be a fence sitter when it came to the vaccines. I’m young and healthy and I know I didn’t come to Earth to die from Covid, so I never worried about catching it. I’m also pretty sure I actually had it back in March 2020. I had what I thought were really bad ascension symptoms (hot flashes, chills, etc) for three weeks, and something seriously weird was going on with my sense of smell. I’m usually really sensitive to smells, but I couldn’t even smell the laundry detergent when I snorted it! (This happened just before they identified smell loss as a possible covid symptom.) Basically, I wasn’t worried about catching covid, and I was highly unlikely to pass it on to anyone because I visited literally nobody and my elderly relatives live in another country, so I figured there was no reason to think about the vaccine one way or the other. I could just sit in my ivory tower and wait for it all to pass. (...Cue lessons about joining the collective, choosing my reality, and grounding my choices with action!)
I was, of course, aware that the vaccines could be contaminated or harmful in any number of ways. Any of the hypotheses could be true...or none of them could be true! There was no way to know, and I didn’t bother attempting any “research” on this because I felt that literally nothing I could find online would be “the one truth.” I wrote the entire thing off as a bullshit circus.

So, what changed my mind? Why did I jump into the fracas and get vaccinated? Well...that goes back to the Orion Wars (LOL). Ancient Orion karma comes up for me over and over again, and I see similar trends with many of my clients. So many of us have trauma from being fucked with. We’ve been “cyberized.” We’ve been trapped in forced reincarnation cycles. We’ve been energetically suppressed. We’ve had malevolent implants. (Yes, we’ve been the victims of these things...but we’ve also been the perpetrators. It goes both ways. We have experienced Duality.) And then there’s the idea that humanity itself has been genetically engineered by beings with both benevolent and malevolent intent. Fears based on these traumas are lying deep inside all of us.

All of these ancient fears came up for me to have a hard look at. I was wondering why I could see so many awakened people living in so much fear. I had to constantly purge my social media feeds of powerful awakened beings who were projecting dystopian timelines. Of course, I don’t think that we should ignore or suppress our fears and feelings, but I don’t think we should entertain, reinforce, and spread them around either. We need to face them, feel them, and release them. Then we can tune into our best benevolent futures. All timelines are possible. There could be real timelines where the vaccines cause a dystopian future Earth. There are real timelines where the vaccines are safe and for our highest good. It is up to each of us to choose which timeline we align with. We choose that timeline with our vibration and then ground into it with our actions.

Over the course of a month, I realized that it’s high time for the awakened collective (myself included) to drop out of these past traumas. I knew I needed to stop projecting Ripples of Doom into the future. Everything is different now. We are ascending. This is new energy. The past is not going to repeat itself (unless we fixate on that past so hard that we choose it again for our futures). We need to face and release our fears of advanced technology, genetic engineering, and of malevolent governments and cabals.

I literally woke up one morning after doing some intense ancestral healing and realized that I could get vaccinated as a way of grounding this healing into my reality. The vaccine would have no negative impact on me if I truly aligned with a timeline in which it was harmless. It was time to choose my future and create my reality.

(Side note: even if you align with a harmless vaccine, that still doesn’t mean you need to get it. This just happened to be my personal path.)

I sat with this for a few weeks. Originally I asked for signs about whether I should get the vaccine or not, but quickly realized that I would not receive such a specific answer. That would interfere with my free choice! Instead, I received general guidance like “Advanced technology will be part of humanity’s future and it will be used benevolently because of our awakening to higher, compassionate consciousness” and “It is appropriate to use, with discernment, all the tools at your disposal to cultivate health.” Message received! I felt better and better about my direction, but was on high alert for any warning signs. I trusted the universe to send me a signal if getting vaccinated was going to seriously derail my journey.

On the morning of vaccination day, I drew nothing but awesome tarot and oracle cards. I didn’t specifically ask about the vaccine (I have stopped asking my cards questions about 3D things), but if I had gotten the 10 of Swords that morning, I would have stayed home! I remained tuned in while waiting at the pharmacy. I felt into all the energy, and everything seemed well. Nothing happened until the second the tiny needle went into my arm. At that moment, I felt the White Light expand out of my chest. It filled up the room and I felt a wave of euphoria wash over me. I heard a beautiful, loving voice whisper in my ear: “I love you.” This was very surprising! It was an unusually visceral experience. I was so grateful for it because here was the sign I was looking for: I was on the right track. I did the right thing. All was well! I made a Free Will Choice by following the subtle signs of my internal guidance system and received beautiful confirmation (not to mention a loving moment of connection with Spirit) after trusting in myself and taking that leap of faith. The whole experience couldn’t have worked out better!

It’s been several months since I got my second shot, and I am happy to report that I can sense nothing amiss. I can’t find anything wrong with my body or with my energetic field in relation to the vaccine. I had some body aches and nausea the day after the second shot, but I feel that was my body’s normal immune response. My spiritual journey has continued just as before. Since I was vaccinated, I was able to travel back home to Canada for our first family reunioun since 2019 (it helped with border and quarantine requirements). This reunion was Magickally Healing for the whole family and was the final validator I needed in order to feel good about posting this story.
So basically...I am happy, healthy, and I have no regrets! I share this because it is a story about dropping out of fear-based narratives. It is a story about putting inner guidance above all other sources of information. It is a story about Choosing your own reality and grounding into that reality with your actions.
It doesn't matter what you do! All that matters is that you create your own perfect path :) <3
*This post was migrated from my old blog. Originally posted 6 Oct 2021
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