My Alpha Centaurian Starseed Self Knows How to Create, Store, and Retrieve Past Life Memories

My Alpha Centaurian Starseed Self Knows How to Create, Store, and Retrieve Past Life Memories

Much is made about the Alpha Centaurians and technology, and of course this is an important association. The Alpha Centaurians do have an important role to play in helping humanity navigate the benevolent and useful implementation of advanced technology. However, not all Alpha Centaurian cultures have been technologically advanced. The first Alpha Centaurian memory I retrieved is from one of these eras, on a planet orbiting Proxima Centauri (the smallest of the three stars is the system). This memory is very interesting to me not because anything exciting happens in it (in fact nothing at all happens in the memory), but because it is a direct transmission from myself to myself. This version of myself led a simple physical life, but has much to teach me about the creation, storage, and retrieval of quantum-life memories.

I am standing in an expansive grassland. There is nothing but low rolling hills and pale grey-green-blue grass as far as the eye can see. I am vaguely human-shaped, but I am shorter, smaller, and lighter than a human. My skin lacks melanin and is grey-tinted. I feel like male, but my human self would struggle to identify my biological sex. I appear very androgynous.

The sky is also light grey-blue. Grey is the predominant colour here, but it does not feel drab or depressing. It feels beautiful and serene. Peaceful. I close my eyes and feel the wind, listening to it rush over the endless sea of grass. I feel the ever-present pulse of the planet. The consciousness of the entire biosphere is an ever present companion. I sense it around me, sense the flow of energy between me, the grass, the ground, the air, the sky, and all the other beings on the planet. I know that we are all one consciousness and human thoughts about the “illusion of separation” do not occur to me. Even though I am aware that I walk the planet in an autonomous vessel, I have no concept of the idea of separation. I can sense the planet’s energy around me in an almost physical way. It is so strong that my human self finds it suffocating, nearly oppressive. My Alpha Centaurian self, however, seeks to dial-up the sensation. I seek to dissolve my own ego further and further, until my awareness becomes one with the awareness of the planet. This is my life’s goal and the main occupation of my people.

My people are nomads. I am standing near a few small, portable structures. I am aware of a herd of large, furry animals somewhere over the horizon; the herd provides us with everything we need to survive in the endless rolling savanna (my human self wants to use the word “prairie,” but my Alpha Centaurian self repeatedly corrects this to “savanna”). Everything we do is spiritual in nature, but we do not think of it that way because we do not understand the concept of something being not-spiritual. We simply know that we exist to immerse ourselves in our environment, to blissfully complete the daily tasks of physical existence, and to continuously allow our ego-consciousness to dissolve into the collective consciousness.

This memory lasts only a few moments, but I know that it is enough. My Alpha Centaurian self is aware that I am creating an energetic memory that my parallel selves will retrieve in other lives. I am very well versed with the mysteries of energetic memories. I understand that I create them when I fully recognize and appreciate the Now. I know that the energy of the moment is recorded in my soul’s vibration. I know that my other selves will retrieve this energy and then re-construct the physical details (the sights, sounds, and thoughts) with varying degrees of accuracy. The dubious accuracy of future retrievals doesn’t bother me in the slightest, because I know the energy and the feeling of the moment will be communicated with precision. I know that is all that matters. Energy is the only data that truly matters. If my parallel selves fill in the visual with the wrong shapes or colours, that will not make any difference in the value of the energetic memory or in the significance of the self-to-self communication. I am filled with joy at this opportunity to communicate with my other selves and to pass on this perfect moment of peace and harmony.

*This post was migrated from my old blog. Originally posted 18 Mar 2022.
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