How to Navigate the Universe | Message from the Sirian High Council

How to Navigate the Universe | Message from the Sirian High Council

You exist in an energetic ocean. In this ocean are currents and waves and vortexes and still zones. There are different ways of swimming in this energetic ocean.

You could utterly go with the flow. You could resist nothing and allow everything. You could simply float and allow the currents to take you on marvellous journeys.
Or, You could set a goal and plot a course. You could navigate by the stars. You could brave tempests and you could row against the current. You could resist the flow of energy and directly pursue your goal.

Both of these approaches are valid. Both are beautiful and interesting and divine. We are here to remind you that you do not need to dedicate yourself to only one path. You can seek a middle way. You can float today and strive tomorrow. You can discern which current to flow down and which depth to avoid.

It is a navigational preference, and you are free to adjust your preferences in any and every moment.

*This post was migrated from my old blog. Originally posted 23 May 2022.
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