How To Find Your Lilith Placements | Black Moon, Waldemath, and Asteroid Lilith

How To Find Your Lilith Placements | Black Moon, Waldemath, and Asteroid Lilith

Find All Your Liliths

Okay. So what is going on with all the Liliths? How many are there? How do they compare? How do you find all your Liliths? Let me make this as short and sweet as possible.

The Basic Lilith Myth and Astrological Themes

Lilith was the first wife of Adam. She was created as his equal (rather than being made from him, as was Eve), and she refused to submit to him. She rejected her life in paradise and went off into the unknown. Allegedly, she spawned hordes of demons. When we take this basic mythological archetype and apply it to the astrological Liliths, we get themes of wildness, rejection-based wounds, and wrath. These are my three key Lilith concepts, and I see these concepts play out in all of the three Liliths. (Actually I have a fourth concept too, and that's extremely polarized emotional reactivity.) However, the asteroid Lilith is more about wildness, Black Moon Lilith is more about the wound of rejection, and the Waldemath Lilith is more about wrath.

Wait, what? Are there three of four Liliths?

There are three Liliths: Asteroid Lilith, Black Moon Lilith, and Waldemath Lilith (also known as Dark Moon Lilith, but that gets confusing, so I stick with Waldemath). It seems like there are four because there are two ways of measuring the Black Moon Lilith. Black Moon Lilith is complicated calculation based on the orbit of the moon, so her orbit can vary wildly. Using the exact calculation (happily done for us by computers) results in your True Lilith (AKA Oscillating Lilith) placement. This is by far my preferred way of looking at Black Moon Lilith, because the other way is using an average of the calculation, which results in your Mean Lilith placement (mean as in average). I don't typically use the Mean Lilith, because I find little to no resonance there, but your resonance will of course vary! Just check out both calculations and see which one resonates more for you. For some people, the placements will be very close together, so it won't make a difference, but for others, the sign and house placements could be completely different, resulting in a completely different Black Moon Lilith. (Many people use both, by the way, so you don't even need to choose one over the other, if they both resonate.)

Asteroid Lilith

The Asteroid Lilith is the only Lilith that is a real, physical object. I see this Lilith as Lilith before she experienced rejection, before she was wounded (and also what she is like after she has healed her wounds). Asteroid Lilith is raw, wild, and fiercely independent. Look to your asteroid Lilith for inspiration on how your Lilith energy can manifest in its highest frequency. Working with this energy is more about unleashing your inner wildness, being unapologetically raw and radically authentic. You might find that you need to stop self-repressing your Asteroid Lilith. She just wants to be let out, even if the world isn't ready for her and even if you find this part of yourself cringy, embarrassing, or "incorrect" in some way. This placement is usually less about healing and more about expressing yourself authentically.

Black Moon Lilith

This is the wounded Lilith. She has been rejected; she has rejected something. She has run off screaming into the void. She is licking her wounds. With Black Moon Lilith, we are dealing with this wound of rejection, and what we get is extreme reactivity (intensely polarized emotions). One one side of the coin, Black Moon Lilith can become obsessed with the source of her wound, desperately trying to get something, to fill up the black hole (which is impossible, because when we feed a black hole, we just make the hole bigger). On the other side, she can completely reject "the thing." For example, Black Moon Lilith in Aquarius can become obsessed about being seen by others. She can feel invisible, and can go to extraordinary and exhaustive lengths to receive validation and approval from the collective. Alternatively, she utterly reject the collective, wallow in invisibility, and brand herself an eternal alien outsider (yet secretly craving connection that she won't let herself receive). It's entirely possible to waffle back and forth between obsession and rejection at different points in your life, or to even hold both extremes inside yourself at once (which is maddening).

We heal our Black Moon Lilith by finding normalcy between these extremes. If we are rejecting something, we learn that the thing doesn't always need to be rejected. If we are obsessing with something, we learn to back off. It's about slowly dialing down the adrenaline-fueled panic responses. Acclimating to our triggers until we are no longer triggered. We know we have made great strides when we can simply accept "the Lilith thing." When we can see it without being triggered, when we can experience it without panicking, and when we can receiving it without clinging to it, then we know we have arrived.

Waldemath Lilith (AKA Dark Moon)

This is a hypothetical object.  Some have reported seeing this "ghostly moon." Who knows if it actually exists in the physical or not. Since I use astrology as a way of receiving intuitive messages from the universe, I'm perfectly happy to use hypothetical objects! For me, it's all about whether it resonates, and oh boy, my Waldemath Lilith placement 100% resonates! (I also see it resonating for those closest to me.)

The Waldemath Lilith is all about WRATH. Words like "anger" and "rage" simply don't cut it here. This placement in your chart shows you where all of your most intense fear and hatred has been rolled up into a depository of the blackest wrath. This takes being triggered to the uttermost extreme. If you get caught up in a Waldemath Lilith attack, it's like your mind is completely overtaken by a shitstorm of all of your worst thoughts and fears. If you have Waldemath conjunct one of your birth placements, you could find that one area of your life is completely dysfunctional until you heal your Lilith energy in general.

I know from experience that the Waldemath Wrath can be healed, but I don't know how to heal this consciously. I suspect it needs to happen unconsciously. This is a type of healing that will chaotically unfold as you walk your spiritual path.

How To Find the Liliths

Head over to, and make a free account if you haven't already (it's a must for any astro enthusiast). Go to the Extended Chart Selection and scroll down to Additional Objects. You can mess around in the drop-downs to find all the placements you want, but I'll give you the shortcut to finding your True Black Moon Lilith, Asteroid Lilith, and Waldemath Lilith. (If you want the Mean Lilith, just select Lilith from the "Common Elements" menu. Don't use this if you want the True/Oscillating Lilith.)

Find the Manual Entry Box and type this in: h13, h58, 1181

H13 is the True/Oscillating Black Moon Lilith
H58 is the Waldemath Lilith
1181 is the Asteroid Lilith

And voila! All your Liliths!

Want to go deeper into your Lilith placements?

At the time of writing this, I am working on a series of Lilith videos. Find them on my Astro YouTube channel, Evermind Astro.

I also offer private readings focusing specifically on your three Lilith placements! It's a combination of intuitive astros and tarot. Navigate to my Shop page to check that out :)

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