Era of High Frequency Choices: Float in Superposition 

Era of High Frequency Choices: Float in Superposition 

This is a message from the 10D Sirian Council. When you receive this message, you are entering an era of high frequency choices. You have balanced your energy to the point where your human-level reactions to your choice points are available to be updated. You no longer need to worry about which choice to make.  You no longer need to decide between option A and option B. You no longer need to feel as if one choice is better than the other. 

At this point in the unfoldment of your consciousness, when you have a choice presented to you, it is like choosing between watching a sunrise or sunset. The choice will require you to point yourself in a different direction and at a different time and perhaps even a different location, but you are still experiencing beauty. You might find that you have a preference for either sunrises or sunsets, but ultimately, it doesn’t make any sense to argue that one is better than the other. You could love experiencing either of them. 

The next important thing to note is that you don’t need to choose between sunrises and sunsets. You could easily experience both in one day! 

Now it is actually energetically possible for you to have the best of both worlds. You can have your cake and eat it too. 

You might say that there is a trick to this. We would say that the “trick” is to embody a state of consciousness that holds the paradox. Know that it is always This and That…and Both and Neither. 

You can practice this by finding a clear and neutral state of mind. Then feel for your choices. Place one option to your left and one option to your right. Now feel for the superposition. The place in your centre where both options exist simultaneously. You could make a choice and pin down your option, making that one the one real outcome in your reality. Or you could hold the frequency of the superposition. Hold the neutral space where you explore and flow into both of your options. There is a sensation to this experience that is difficult to put into words. You will know you have experienced it when you experience it. It amounts to feeling the power of neutrality, and expansiveness of the non-linear experience of living in paradox. 

This is a game-changing experience. It allows choicepoints to put much less stress on your emotional, mental, and biological systems. So often, a choicepoint can send you into a state of uncertainty, stress, or overwhelm. In your human past, you have made many life or death decisions, and your body still has a tendency to react to choicepoints as if the only possible outcomes are ultimate success and ultimate failure. Remembering that you are choosing between a sunrise and a sunset can help you deflate your body’s stress reaction. 

Flow into your choices and choose what you prefer. Whatever you choose, you will create more of it. As long as you choose something that feels preferable, you will create an experience that feels preferable to you.

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