Don't Regret Choosing Love | Goddess Parvati & the 10D Sirian Council

Don't Regret Choosing Love | Goddess Parvati & the 10D Sirian Council

This is a message from the 10D Sirian Council, with a significant influence from Goddess Parvati. 

We see so many of you practicing regret. Mostly you are hard on yourselves because you look at where you are, and assume you are there because you made mistakes. Most often, you beat yourselves up because you chose love over something else, and now you find yourselves without that something else.

Sometimes you choose love over money. Love over independence, freedom, and even self-respect. Sometimes you choose love over career success, or over plain good sense and logic. Other times you choose to work very hard in the name of love.

Eventually you realize that you wish you had the money, the career, or the freedom, and you fall into regret. You conclude it must have been a mistake to choose love. You might even conclude that in order to get what you don't have, you will have to give up on love.

We wish to share two of our very strong beliefs: first, that you should never regret choosing love, because choosing love is never a mistake, even if it means you lose something else. We believe that love is the single greatest reason to do anything.

Your reasons for doing things are more important than the outcomes of your choices. Even if choosing love led you to pain or poverty, lack or loneliness, those outcomes do not indicate that choosing love was wrong. Those outcomes are simply events in the story before the story is finished being told. 

Second, we believe that you can have it all. You can have love and everything else all at once. Just because you had to choose before, doesn't mean you will have to choose again. You can choose love AND the other thing.

Having it all is a reflection of your inner balance. If you want to have it all, begin by loving yourself. Choose to love yourself as much as you love others. Respect yourself as much as you respect others. Give yourself the same freedom, the same care, the same forgiveness. Tend to your own needs, your own goals, and your own desires, with as much dedication as you tend to the needs, goals, and desires of others. 

When inner love and outer love is balanced, you will never have to choose between love and something else again.  

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