Daily Living Meditation | Channeled Message from the 10D Sirian Council

Daily Living Meditation | Channeled Message from the 10D Sirian Council

This is a message from the 10D Sirian Council. This is a message about meditation. Some of you are concerned that you don’t meditate enough, don’t meditate properly, or don’t meditate as much as you used to. Some of you never meditate and feel guilt or embarrassment, as if not meditating makes you less spiritual. 

We see meditation as a tool that can help you shift into different states of consciousness (by which different states of vibration or different frequency states). That is all. It is only a tool. If you do not prefer the tool, then you do not need to use it. Please do not feel that you are “less than” simply because others enjoy the tool of meditation and you do not. 

We would specifically like to address those who do not meditate as much as they used to. We would like to paint an expanded picture of what meditation can look like. If you view meditation as a tool that helps you shift your consciousness, then know that you can use meditative techniques to shift into different states of consciousness no matter what you are doing. You do not need to be sitting in silence in a meditative posture. 

The possibilities are endless. You have already honed your ability to focus your awareness by sitting in formal meditation. Now that you don’t meditate as much as you used to, you can use that skill in every moment of your life. 

If you are washing the dishes, allow your body to automatically do the task while you focus on your breath. If you are having a boring conversation at work, immerse yourself in the experience. Focus on every nuance of your person’s voice, just as if you were listening to a self-hypnosis recording. If you are walking up and down the isles of the grocery store, expand your awareness out and sense all of the colours and sounds and smells and personalities that are all around you. If you are watching a movie, allow the worries of the day to fade away and focus your awareness fully on the screen. 

The more you practice this kind of daily living meditation, the more you will enjoy how it makes you feel. It will ground you into your body. It will immerse you in the sensory experience of your physical life. It will make tedious tasks more interesting. It will make beauty even more satisfying and food even more delicious. If you continue to prefer and practice this daily living meditation, it will become second nature. You will find yourself in a meditative state of consciousness much of the time, except it will no longer feel like a meditative state.

And then you will understand why you don’t need to worry about how much you meditate. You state of consciousness that you used to only reach by using the tool of meditation has become your natural state of consciousness. 

The point of practicing Meditation doesn't have to be spending hours a day sitting crossed legged on a meditation mat for the rest of your life. The point can be to learn to focus your awareness well enough that you can shift your state of consciousness while your are going about your daily life. 

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