Channeled Message from the Sirian High Council: You are the Sensory Organs of the Universe

Channeled Message from the Sirian High Council: You are the Sensory Organs of the Universe

This is a message from the Sirian High Council. You may also think of us as a manifestation of Sirian Christ Consciousness, as we communicate on the frequency of your heartcenter.

We would like to speak more on your increasing experience of sensitivity, because that is at the root of your experience on earth at this time, and we observe that it is of great interest to many of you.

Your increasing sensitivity allows you to sense and perceive a wider range of frequencies. You would divide these sensations up into good and bad, desirable and undesirable.

We perceive all of these sensations too. We sense everything that you do, because you are the sensory organs of this universe. Your human vessels are like exquisitely sensitive nerve endings in your fingers, and we are like the central nervous system. You sense it, and we perceive it. The difference is that we only perceive a variety of sensations; we do not perceive anything as good or bad. It is like the keys on a piano. The lower keys have a deeper, richer tone than the higher keys, but all the keys are beautiful and are an important part of the instrument. The more keys on the piano, the more diverse the music of the universe can be. An instrument with more notes gives the musician more creative room to explore.

This does not mean that we do not care about your sensations of pain, either physical or emotional. We care about your pain with great compassion and with great gratitude, because your pain teaches and tunes the universe. Your pain teaches the universe what not to do. For many years on earth, the ambient energy was so dense that humans were unable to have a high degree of energetic sensitivity. It was simply too painful for many people to take on highly sensitive energetic configurations. This is one of the reasons why you chose to take on traumatic experiences in past lives; you were deadening your nerves, so to speak, so that you could exist on earth with less sensitivity to the dense energy that would otherwise cause you pain so overwhelming that you would have left your bodies prematurely. Indeed, many of you have chosen to live on the very edge of your tolerance for pain.

Your sensations of pain teach the universe by showing the universe what not to do. When you sense that something is intolerably painful, you tell the universe to stop creating that situation. This does not necessarily happen instantly on earth, but the request to stop creating that painful situation goes out into the collective and is eventually shifted in your linear time. This is how your willingness to be sensitive to pain, and to say that the thing that causes this pain should stop, directs the co-creation of the earth experience.

Consider how important it is to feel physical pain in your body. If you were to turn off all your pain receptors, you would quickly injure yourselves because you would not know what not to do. The pain tells you when to stop, what to avoid, when to slow down. Without physical pain in your body, your body simply would not function. It is the same in this universe and on your earth. Without humans functioning as highly sensitive sensory instruments, the universe would have a less precise knowledge of what not to manifest.

In sharing our perspective on this, we do not wish you to see yourselves as beings of pain. We do not want you to see yourselves and victims of your sensitivity.We do not want you to dwell on the painful sensations. We share our perspective on the universal function of your ability to sense pain because we have observed that your pain is lessened somewhat when you understand part of the bigger picture. The higher perspective doesn’t make your pain go away, but it does help you put it into context and it does help you see the positive in your situation. It helps you step out of victimhood and into empowerment.

And so, we want to remind you that your increasing sensitivity also brings you heightened states of joy and bliss and peace, and all of the emotional experiences that you find most desirable. This includes the physical enjoyment of all bodily sensations. You are expanding your ability to enjoy life. The feeling of the sun on your skin. The feeling of your muscles stretching. The sound of the wind in the trees. The physical experience of your lives is intended to be a river of blissful sensations. This is available to you if you shift your focus onto anything you can find that provides a desirable sensation in this moment. Many of you will ultimately find that the seemingly minute sensations of everyday living, such as a good meal or a smile from a stranger, become the very reasons for living, as they can become even more satisfying than the great achievements you create in this life.

Your sensitivity to pleasure also teaches the universe, because it shows the universe what you want more of, what is most important in your life. The more you enjoy pleasant sensations, the more the universe will organize itself in a way that will bring you more of those pleasant sensations. You also energetically teach the collective what to focus on. The more you focus on pleasure, the more bliss you find in simple things, the more the human collective will naturally follow suit. In the decades to come, this will cause a ripple effect that will astound you. Imagine a world where a large majority of humans wake up and seek bliss and joy as they move through their day. When you find a moment of pleasure in whatever you have to find pleasure in, that is the world that you are designing.

*This post was migrated from my old blog. Originally posted 18 May 2022.
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